Welcome to “Up Close & Personal.” For every interview I will be introducing a literary personality discussing his views and insights, as well as upcoming literary events around the world.
Today's interview is with Mr. Barry Eisler, a spy fiction author of several award-winning novels John Rain thrillers. Mr. Eisler's books won several awards for Best Thriller of the year and has been optioned for film by the Oscar-winning producer of Lord of Rings trilogy, Barrie Osborne.
E. I.: What are your thoughts on the notion that writers should have led or continue to live tragic lives in order to create?
BARRY EISLER: I imagine this is different for everyone. But for most people, firsthand acquaintance with loss is necessary to understand life and empathize with others, and a lack of such understanding and empathy precludes good fiction.
E. I.: Your first book, Rain Fall, was a success. Did you feel pressure, either self-imposed or external, to duplicate that success for your second book?
BARRY EISLER: I don't really think about it that much. I just try to follow the new stories wherever they lead me without worrying about who's going to like it or why.
E. I.: Has your writing based on experience affected your creativity/ imagination?
BARRY EISLER: I think so, in the sense that your imagination is like a muscle -- the more you use it, the stronger it gets.
E. I.: What is your personal remedy for writer's block?
BARRY EISLER: Feed your brain! Whatever ignites your creativity, do it. For me, that's current events. I'm a news junkie, and definitely indulge my habit. So far I've never suffered writer's block and I think the brain feeding is why.
A practicing international attorney and a former CIA, Barry Eisler lives in California with his wife. The photograph used for Mr. Eisler interview for this blog is owned by him.
To learn more about Barry Eisler, visit him at:
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